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Grace Rayne Plett
Artist Bio

Grace Rayne Plett is a collage artist from Boynton Beach, FL, who is a Senior at the University of the Arts. She is interested in collage, and painting and is influenced by the Art Nouveau movements and early 1900s paintings because of their use of color, imagery, and layering. She also draws a lot of inspiration from literature mostly pertaining to the idea of world-building. She likes to create pieces about women’s rights, mental health, and growing up.  Plett has received the Distinguished Artist scholarship and has exhibited at The University of the Arts.  She plan/s to own a bookstore/gallery/thrift shop in the future.

Artist Statement

I work mainly in the area of collage. Using found images from magazines, the internet, and books, I create bold, complicated pieces. I like to create a world that is thought-provoking. A viewer has to dive into a piece to notice its obvious tone of it. I learned when I was young that if you are working with subject matter that makes people uncomfortable you have to find the right way to make them stay and want to look at it. This is why I focus on the color a lot in my work. Or use imagery that may be seen as inviting at first glance. 

 My work is about my life and the hardships of growing up as a woman in a society that doesn’t treat our problems as real issues. I like to express the sometimes very dark side of being a woman, whether it's dealing with one's personal mental health or the fear of not being treated like a human being. Although my work deals with a broad set of issues. Its feminist theories and intricate subject matter always come to the forefront of my work. Even in my work that seems more whimsical or childlike, there is often more to it.  I want my work to mean something, for others to learn from it.

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